Thursday, February 9, 2023

Bharatha Matha's Inner Voice..

I am Bharath Matha - yes please do not be surprised! My mother Durga Matha is JaganMatha - Mother of this entire Universe and I am her daughter - mother of all Bharath residents! I am called by several names - Hindustan - the region south of the Sindhu River - it's a cultural Union! My head is Kashmir, my legs are Dravida Desham, my right hand is Gurjara Desham and my left hand in the east direction is Kalinga or Vanga desham! my beloved son Adi Shankara reinstated my glories 2500 years ago by establishing Spiritual centers in these four directions!

There are countless sacred pilgrimage sites within me. Vedic civilization is the most ancient one and that's what celebrates me ! Vedas celebrate Bhumi or the Land! Krishna Yajur Veda Samhita celebrates me in the holy verses of Bhu Sukta! Krishna Yajur Veda Aranyaka honors my mother Durga in Durga Sukta! All languages of this Universe - are the forms of my mother Sri Lalitha - as she appears in those words, which are expressing the feeling of people! Some ignorant people fight on the basis of language! Of several dialects/languages - Sanskrit has its own unique place as those Vedas, which were never written and which were in Sound form and transmitted from one generation to another by oral teaching (karna parampara) all in Sanskrit! Tamil, which is an ancient language is also good - and my father Parameshwara is believed to have given birth to Tamil & Sanskrit from his damaruka!

While my fame and fervor have been there for several million years, and have been through all four yugas Manu, who's my beloved brother - who was created to administer this Universe and to increase the population of humans and to establish the order of Dharma is the most beloved to me! No other countries or places or cultures as ancient as mine have survived the testimony of time! Manu's rules include social, personal, and religious conduct for the entire mankind. Since all humans originated from (several) Manu they are called manava. Miraculously in every major language - Humas are either called Man / Manav etc. Until this day of Kali Yuga Manu's specifications serves as the law of the land! The essence of his preaching is Non-violence is the best Dharma. Ahimsa Paramo Dharma:

When the creator created humans, he also created Vedic yagnas along with humans for the welfare of mankind! Brahmana who is declared to have wisdom or Gnana as his primary objective is celebrated as the one performing six duties - Teaching & Learning vedas, Performing & Officiating yagnas, and Giving and partaking gifts (in yagnas). Since the entire objective of a yagna is Universal welfare - it is very beloved to me and my uncle Krishna! Kings, rulers, and Kashtriyas from ancient days have been very supportive of performing yagnas. Modern-day rulers seem to wear a secular cap and seem to ignore the protection of (Indian) cows and Brahmanas! While I love every single son and daughter of my land, cows, and Brahmanas represent selfless life and hence nurturing and protecting them is very dear and near to me.

Although my way of living and culture was practiced between Kashmir & Kanya Kumari in the lands where black antelopes were running - my original landscape was extending from almost Afghamisthan on the Wet to Myanmar on the east. Since a large portion of my body was dissected - at the time of a pseudo-independence by mlecchas in Kali Yauga in the year 1947. The majority of portions of LavaKushaPura (Lahore), and the land where five rivers flow (Punjab), etc. were given away by one of my sons called Nehru who had no regard or love for me! My culture and religion were spread all over the world - even in Egypt, Mexico, etc. before these Abrahamic religions tried to forcefully erase the traces of Nature worship calling it Paganism!

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