Sunday, February 5, 2023

Some Insights.....

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Back in 2002 - a riot happened and of course politically - everyone tried to attribute the same to our PM Sri Modiji. From a very unbiased view, where are my opinions:

  1. Muslim terror agents from PAk used to hide in Gujarat and kind of tease/manhandle Hindu women with the intention to induce fights/calamities.
  2. In One such effort(s) those Pak agents, who wanted to instigate fights in Gujarat set fire to a train (Godra Express).
  3. Hindus retaliated and it became a fight. (Common Muslims are good but - these Pak terror agents instigate Hind-Muslim fights).
  4. After fights, bloodshed, etc.. this came to an end.

    1. Post-Calamity Incidents / Observations:
      Supreme court called Modiji for investigation(s) and gave a clean chit. Thus this nation and Universe must obey/adhere to what the court of law says.

      ---------------------------------------------- Opposition's stand :
      1. Major opposition to BJP is INC led by Italian National called Antonia Maino (who is also Anti-Indian?) - who called Modiji "Moth ki Sodagar"
      2. Needless to say - various flavors of Communists motivated by Chinese Policies - hate Hinduism./ Modiji - as China wants to "take over" India.
      3. DK/ Dravidian parties - They hate India, Hinduism, etc. but seem to have a great deal of love for Mlechas! Selective atheism, Bhramin-hatred, and bashing - they are also soft-terrorists led by an un-civilized mean, called EVR - who wanted a separate country called DravidSthan. The Immigrant Telugu/Kannada public - hated Tamils and Tamil brahmins and hence formed this party in the name of social justice.
      4. Xian Conversion Mafia - Willfully accepting the path of Christ and spreading the word of love is completely welcome. But spewing venom and separatism in the name of Xianity is what these missionaries do. Miraculously Italian Antonia seems to represent this group followed by Commies and Urban Naxals.
      5. Jihadi Mafia - While Sufiism is the most gentle form of Islam which spreads love and mercy - off late various groups - spreading hatred for other groups (non-muslims) have become very popular. And of course they will preach against - Hinduism, the Concept of Bharath, Modiji, and Patriotism. They may have several reasons not to say "Vande Mataram" - but their intention is simple - hatred for Bharath. (Zakir Naik was expelled from India for promoting ISIS but he operates from Malaysia and spreads venom about Bharath)
      6. Kashmiri Separatists - Genetically, morphologically, etc. while All Indians from Kashmir to Kanyakumari are100% identical - the people of Kashmir consider themselves to be a separate nation and would play this game of joining India / Pak, and hence they hate a United Bharath.
      7. Magically all of the above groups directly / indirectly have these things in common:
        • Bhramin-Hatred
        • Funded by China/Europe/Vatican
        • Motivated by hatred for humanity
      Having said why do these people hate the concept of Bharath and the Universal Brotherhood preached by Vedas, they certainly have selfish motives, and hatred for humanity!

      Foreign Countries involved in Anti-Modi preaching:

      1. China - Needless to mention. Nurtured by Raul Vinci & Antonia Maino who motivate them to declare war on the Indo-China border, whenever there's an election or so, China takes advantage of the traitors within Bharath to defeat Bharath.
      2. (Not Great?)Britain - BBC recently released a documentary about Modiji stating that he was involved in the 2002 riots. It's believed that they took money from China and Raul Vinci, DK, etc. want to promote this. British looted India and killed so many Indians brutally - and no wonder their hattred continues still.
      3. Al-Jazeera - This channel is run by middle-eastern country and they seem to hate Bharath and Hinduism, which is inevitable in their videos.
      4. Norway - It was believed that Vatican / Norway wanted to spread Xianity in Sri Lanka and hence they instigated Tamils there to fight for a separate country. In that fight, India supported Lanka and Smt. Antonia Maino - was well informed about Rajeev Khan's murder - but did t do anything. Nehru's family ruined the reputation of Bharath.
      5. Vatican - the Vatican wants to make Bharath a Xian nation - and they hired Antonia Maino - for that purpose to honeytrap the Nehru family. After getting "rid" of Indira Khan and Rajeev Khan, Antonia tried to set up her rule of devils on Bharath. She got the acharya of Kanchi arrested on a Diwali - because he was preventing the conversion of NE into Xiantiy. This scheme of international politics seems to continue until this day. It's believed that Antonia killed up to 19 men including Rajesh Pilot etc., who were her opposite-sex partners - as she wanted to ascend the throne of Bharath. Emotions of Bharath residents were fooled by this adult entertainer called Antonia Maino- for whom Bharath was a mere money-making machine.
      6. USA - Some groups there still hate India and are extreme xian groups.
      7. Pakistan - A country which thrives by selling terror and begging from wherever they can - Nehru gave them more than what they deserved! Antonia Maino Khan sold India's currency printing machinery to them. Until Modiji declared de-monetization this country's economy was flourishing as they were bringing fake currencies in truckloads to Bharath. Not Modiji showed them the right place in this world.
      8. Turkey - they have attacked, and looted Bharath in the past and have the same feeling of hatred for Bharath even today.

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